Tal Wilkenfeld

ever forward, but slowly.

Last update: 2024-01-12

To play a wrong note is insignificant. To play without passion is inexcusable. - Beethoven.

Tal practiced both Vedanta1 meditation and Zen in a monastery. The former involved studying scriptures and the latter sitting in a disciplined manner. She benefitted from both.

I don’t care about little things, I care about the entire experience.

Messing it up is all about recovery.

Know your strength in learning your instrument. Take your time.

Play music in your head not only with your fingers, understand the music.

Slow everything down. Pay attention to all micro movements, pay attention to fingers touching the strings. Feel the fullness of tone. Play slow and feel music to express each note.

Music is not a sport, you don’t have to be fast, so slow yourself down.

Short Video

Full interview

Note2Self: transmit the melody and harmony, always express the emotional content you are creating and delivering.

2024-02-13: The Art of Learning

  1. Vedanta is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. The word “Vedanta” means “conclusion of the Vedas”, and encompasses the ideas that emerged from, or were aligned with, the speculations and enumerations contained in the Upanishads, with a focus on knowledge and liberation. All Vedanta schools contain extensive discussions on ontology, soteriology, and epistemology, even as there is much disagreement among the various schools. Independently considered, they may seem completely disparate due to the pronounced differences in thoughts and reasoning.↩︎