Advice by Dr Shigeaki Hinohara



  1. Make sure you move and stay active during the day, too comfortable life can be dangerous to your well-being, especially in advanced age,
  2. Food should be simple and balanced (i.e variety). Also consider, have you ever seen an overweight 100-yo person?
  3. Plan your daily activities so you don’t get bored during the day, stick to your daily schedule,
  4. When you get older, don’t spend your money on stuff, you can’t take anything to grave. Instead spend your money on your hobbies,
  5. Be active in your community, participate in seminars and other activities,
  6. You’re your own doctor. Learn the relationship between illness and medication. Everyone becomes ill in a different way and reacts to treatment differently,
  7. Do not retire, active life and love to work add to your longevity. Learn something new everyday. After retiring, health deteriorates, especially if you aren’t active mentally and physically,
  8. Even if you feel good, get periodically checked up to prevent anything that might be developing by age,
  9. Be positive to life and use your humor,
  10. Enjoy small things and don’t make a big deal out of small things.